
Searching results from and pykA :

TypeAditional Info
  KEGG Pathways    Kegg    Pathway    Biosynthesis of alkaloids derived from histidine and purine
  KEGG Pathways    Kegg    Pathway    Biosynthesis of alkaloids derived from ornithine lysine and nicotinic acid
  KEGG Pathways    Kegg    Pathway    Biosynthesis of alkaloids derived from shikimate pathway
  KEGG Pathways    Kegg    Pathway    Biosynthesis of alkaloids derived from terpenoid and polyketide
  KEGG Pathways    Kegg    Pathway    Biosynthesis of phenylpropanoids
  KEGG Pathways    Kegg    Pathway    Biosynthesis of plant hormones
  KEGG Pathways    Kegg    Pathway    Biosynthesis of terpenoids and steroids
  KEGG Pathways    Kegg    Pathway    Glycolysis Gluconeogenesis
  Ecocyc Functional Associations    Ecocy    Pathway    glycolysis I
  AODE Score    EciD    Predicition    Score : 0,996  

Created :27-Jul-2007  &  Last modified Sunday, 15-March-2010 23:44:21 GMT Recommended : Resolution 1280x1024. Browser : Firefox 3.x     mail